School Closure


All the HMFA schools will be closed today.

This decision has not been taken lightly as we are aware of the inconvenience that this may cause our families and staff.

The risks on different sites are variable and we are not able to predict the impact of the severity of the winds.  If we needed to shut the school due to power cuts, damage to buildings, flying debris etc we would be putting all of our parents and our children at risk by closing the school at the most dangerous point of the storm.

With widespread disruption being reported and school and public transport being affected, we have also considered the safety of our staff as they travel from out of county or in more rural areas to our schools.  

As you will most likely have heard,  the advice is to stay at home to remain safe.  The storm is due to hit fully in a few hours and we would like all of our families and staff to remain home, stay safe and engage in the remote learning which will be provided.

Kind Regards

Mrs Taylor

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